Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Post Season advice...

....a friend asked me if I was going to watch any of the post season play, since the Cards aren't in it this year. My reply 'Of course!' There's some good baseball played in the post season.
She then asked 'Who are you going to root for?'. My reply 'Anyone but the Cubs, the Red Sox and the Yankees'.

well, I've decided who I'm going to root for to take the World Series Champs title away from the Cards. ............drumroll please!
~~~~ The Cleveland Indians. ~~~~~~
Partially because they're midwest. partially because my neighbor is a big Cleveland fan.

p.s. for those of u Cards fan still undecided. you could also root for Colorado. When we visited there a couple of years ago, we found out that up until Denver got their team, many out west rooted for STL. They said they could get the games on KMOX . so you could return the love and root for Colorado.

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