Monday, March 31, 2008


Hot dog.....check....Cardinal blanket.....check.....arm around Albert.....check!!!
And the game begins - RAIN DELAY!! BOO!

So for three innings we got a glimpse of what is to come for the 2008 season. Wainwright looked good - in control after the first inning nerves went away. Skip made a fantastic Edmonds like catch in the first...nice. (Im still in denial) Ankiel and Yadi hitting well I see - Albert, Albert, Albert - your first home run - tear - thats right a small tear was shed. A proud moment to rub in some people's faces at work who keep telling me Albert is going down this year! And then the rain started and it kept coming and I knew the game would be called.

So, tomorrow, the same ritual will be set at 7:15pm - I wonder if its too early in the season to be wearing the same clothes for every game - I would hate to jinx anything!

Let the games begin...again!
Happy Baseball!!


Amy said...

A note about my very observant sister...I called while running home to catch the game. 'What inning is it? What's the score?' which she dutifully answered but then quipped that Albert's BLING gets bigger every year! YES! The man is bringing home some serious bacon and I'm glad to see he's showing us what a real piece of jewelry looks like!
Look for it again at tomorrow's Season Reopener!

Amy said...

OH - because of my time zone (EDT) and because a certain tike needed to be picked up from school (Lily), we didn't get to see the Cards play. BUT, we did get to see number 11, 11 play! (She was very excited about that!)

p.s. She informed me tonight that she will no longer refer to 'Scottie is a Hottie' and has corrected herself and says 'Yadi is a Hottie'!

anissa said...

That small yet very important correction deserves some sort of recognition. I am going to be looking for a Yadier shirt for her as she has earned it!