Tuesday, May 6, 2008

some observations on Yadi....

I'm watching the Colorado game on Tuesday and I'm noticing that Yadi seems to be alot more animated behind the plate lately. patting the plate, catching with one knee on the ground, hopping around while squattin. He's just really fun to watch, isn't he? one damn fine catcher!

now some notes on Looper - does the guy seem like he's smiling a big 'ole toothy grin when he's pitching? It just cracks me up. He can do whatever it takes...he's 2 for 2 right now in the 3rd inning!
last year, when Anissa and I were 'watching' a game together, we realized that Braden looks *alot* like our brother. It was kinda freakin us out. Our brother doesn't play baseball though. He plays the drums.

1 comment:

anissa said...

Yes but watch his eyes....WOW