Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1 - no JOKE

Have to admit I'm a little bummed tonight! Tough loss. A few observations....

-Troy Glaus....if you are going to stay at 3rd I suggest we work on the side arm throw a little bit over the next couple days. AND spit out the freakin chew!! (we all know how I feel about chew)

-Kennedy at 2nd - a little more comfortable with Kennedy vs Miles

-Albert - since when did you start hitting the first pitch thrown....you didn't do that last year and I see no reason to start now....relax dude. Am I right with the BLING?

-McClellan - not bad for your opening day

-Lohse - I liked what I saw - good start - keep it up!!

-IZZY - You are still my favorite!

And last but not least - YADI! YADI! YADI! WOO HOO! Now if we can just get the announcers to stop saying "He lost so much weight he barely got that over the wall" What the heck is that about?

Until we meet again tomorrow Colorado Rockies - hope you all sleep with one eye open??!!

Happy Baseball!


Amy said...

I just heard that both Scott Rolen and Jim Edmonds are on the DL. I think what we're seeing today - is what would would have seen had those guys stayed with the Cards.

Tough Loss - but there are over 100 games left in the season!

anissa said...

I too heard that Jimmy was on the DL because he text one of the Cardinal announcers during the game yesterday and wanted to tell everyone HI! whatever....